days are getting darker ,
with every darkness , i lose myself even more ,
am i enough ?
was i ever enough ?
will i ever be enough ?
in good and bad days , i feel like a loser ,
i am drowing with just little assistance to make it through ,
every tear drop is enough to fill a puddle of water ,
the givers are always falling in the hands of takers ,
do i have enough to offer ?
are my insecurities bigger than who i am ?
how can i be a better person for myself ?
how can i be a better person for you ?
am i even proud of myself ?
what is it that i am lacking ?
we are supposed to live with purpose ,
i am losing it ,
the noise in my head is loud ,
it is louder than my voice ,
my thoughts are wilding ,
what happened to the innocent soul that felt important ?
that felt the world is not bigger than the end-goal ?
the soul that believed in the greater things ?