i took some time out to heal ,
my broken heart ,
i was left to pick up the pieces ,
someone nearly took me out ,
i had forgotten my values and power ,
but with the patience that i had ,
for myself ,
i knew they do not have that much power ,
everyday is a reminder to dream again ,
to have hope again ,
build a home within yourself ,
do not allow people that do not wake up next to you on a daily ,
to make you feel less of yourself ,
this is a place to dream ,
do you believe in the power you have ,
you can change any narrative that you have within yourself ,
start by making yourself ,
your own safe space ,
look inward ,
create a home for yourself ,
with time the broken parts of yourself ,
will heal themselves ,
you will be able to pick yourself up ,
no one will come close to taking you out ,
even yourself .