you came right after that call ,
it should be painful to see your son on the floor , looking lifeless .
you picked me up, dressed me as i was weak ,
i was so weak to do it myself .
i lost so much of myself from that day .
i cannot imagine the pain you felt , it was so much on my side .
i have not been okay ever since ,
i try to be strong , but i feel like i am losing so much of myself even more ,
i try to be strong for you .
my cup is empty , you pour so much of yourself in it , but still it runs dry .
you give me love when i fail to do so myself .
i saw the pain in your eyes when i told you that i wanted to die .
i still want to not exist but if i do , who will you love the way you love me ?
who will put a smile on your face effortlessly like i do ?
who will make your life easier as i hope that one day i would ?
who will make your dreams a reality if i am not here ?
sometimes i feel like i am failing myself and everyone around me .
why are these dark thoughts occupying my head ?
mama , you give me so much hope .
in a world of the negatives , you are the light .
you have done everything in your power to reassure me , i am truly grateful ,
what did i do to deserve you ? i thank
some days are low , very low ,
but still you give me so much hope .
when my cup is empty , you pour so much of yourself in it ,
but i still run heavily dry .
you give me love , when i fail to do so myself ,
my heart is heavy ,
my heart is heavy .
i am hopeful for better days ,
if you are reading this , the little hope you have inside of you ,
live up to it .
i luv u .
I had to shed a tear here and there. 🥲 went through different emotions throughout the whole piece.