dear stranger ,
i watched you being rushed to the nearest bed ,
you were vomiting out blood ,
every chance you got , you spat out blood ,
your bed was next to mine , as i was fighting for my life as well ,
i had so much faith you ,
going to the bathroom , i would pass by your bed ,
little did i know , that you would not survive the pain you were in ,
you left us just the following day of being at the hospital ,
your mother was devastated to hear the news of your departure .
from that day , i realized how it is easy to lose your life ,
how blessed we are to get to see another day ,
not everyone gets to see the sunrise again ,
this is a trigger , it creeps in every now and then ,
i just go through the motions of me trying to take my life ,
it just puts me down ,
we do not know the time we have ,
get to give love ,
allow yourself to be given love ,
treat people with respect and kindness ,
always remember that life is too short .