what do you see in my eyes when you look at me ?
how do you feel with every touch that comes from me ?
what runs in your head when you hear my voice ?
do you ever think about me as much as i think about you ?
do you believe in love , as deep as i believe in it ?
we are perfect in the most imperfect way ,
do you believe in that ?
i go around in circles trying to find the right words to put out ,
i am not trying to be misinterpreted ,
am i good enough for you as much as you are good enough for me ?
with the highs and lows of life ,
i find myself seeking reassurance from myself ,
the things of the world get to me ,
making me feel less awake ,
are you even down for a long time ?
what do my eyes say to you ?
do you feel wanted , valued and loved , with every touch ?
does my voice give you that spark ?
what runs in your head when i am not around ?
do you believe in unconditional love ?
i need me as much as i need you...