i wonder ,
i sit by myself and wonder ,
a lot of time has passed ,
i think about the future ,
i worry so much about myself ,
it scares me how i do not see myself past 30 ,
i wonder ,
it saddens me how i feel alone in a room full of people ,
it worries me how the voices in my head make me feel inadequate ,
a lot of time has past ,
i cannot stop thinking of my worth ,
and how maybe i am not worthy to be alive ,
i am barely alive ,
i am tired ,
i am drained ,
i am drowning ,
i do not need words of wisdom ,
or saving ,
turning to Christ to make the pain go away ,
it has worsen on a daily ,
i am barely alive ,
i want to live , and not just survive ,
my heart is hurting ,
but i choose to remain positive...