i am not bitter . i am not angry .
i am setting you free , as i am setting myself free .
you came into my life for a purpose and you lived up to that purpose .
i guess our 'forever' was short lived , maybe it was supposed to be like that .
you called me toxic , i guess that is the version of myself you will live with ,
i thought you were ruined cause of the damage you could possibly cause me ,
our traumas were the death of us , peace came when we were not together ,
clearly it did not want us together .
tell me , what could we change ,
tell me about your regrets ,
tell me about your happy moments ,
tell me i was enough even though at times you made me feel otherwise .
overthinking is shit , overthinking is what breaks a lot of beautiful things ,
it ruined such a beautiful piece of work under the surface of the sun ,
we both had demons that we could not stand ,
somehow you gave into them so much that it ruined us .