Here we are again, our world feels like it is standing still with no sense of direction that at times we look down on ourselves and true worth.
We are destined for greatness ,that all good things in life do not come easily, we have to face all the hardship in order to get to where we want to be and become the people we want to be .Rejection comes as a lesson.
A lesson in which we have to learn or just choose to look away on. Life is full of up's and down's but it is entirely on us on how we choose to look past it. Rejection should not be the end of you but simply a message that you should try again , you can still make it. Gather enough strength this life is about you and only you ,you are the narrator of your own life ,you are the author of your life ,now write your own book and focus on yourself.
There is always time to pick yourself up when you fall ,only you can do that for your own self .