you are bleeding internally , you are conflicted , you feel like your life is on a standstill and no matter how hard you try , you still feel like you are not doing enough .
rest your heart , rest your mind , you are doing just enough . you are doing the best you could with the time are you are given , do not put pressure on yourself , you are just doing enough .
who knew growing up would be this difficult but i guess we all wanted to be adults at some point without knowing half the battled our parents were facing , they tried to shield us but it is unfortunate that life does not work that way , each person had their journey and this is our journey .
be present in your life's journey , i know sometimes you wish you were not here but you are here now so try to make the best of what you have , does it hurt ? yes , do you feel like crying ? do cry , will the cycle ever end ? God knows . it never gets easy , we just learn to cope with what we are presented with .
this message is for you , this message is for me , we are living in our fragile 20 something era , we think there is something missing or there is something we are not doing , just know that you are doing enough . as long as you get to see another day , breath in and out , you are enough .
...tell me what is on your mind ? this is your year , you are going to make yourself proud x