A story of a girl who was raped from age 13 until 16 years by a church leader ,a man most turn to when they have personal problems.
A 13 year old was made to feel guilty for a sin she never committed. People of great power can commit rape as well just like everybody else.Fact is our girls are not safe.
Here's a story of a 13 year old who was raped by a church leader,also known as an individual who is respected by the community and the most high person who worships the Lord. This man forced the 13 year old to pray for forgiveness because according to him,she was the one to blame for the rape which to him was "committing a sin."
This rape continued on for a very long time. The pastor started to punish her for telling the church.He made it seem as if she had demons.For what that man put her through,her entire life changed;she lost contact with most people who were important to her.
Few months later,she spoke about the incident to a few church members. They were still convinced that she had a demon inside of her.She was banned from attending church and that made her faithless towards Christ.She adds, "I stopped praying and believed in fate."
It shows the control the person who raped you has over your life.They take away your right to say "no",your dignity. It is like they take away half of you. You die from the inside. The power you have should not make you feel as if you are above everybody. The day the pastor (church leader) died, she adds "...everybody went back to their normal lives and said I should move on." All the pain she went through was neglected ,it was basically them saying to her "we do not care about you."
Years later,the rape incident with the pastor still affected her.She was never given a perfect chance to explain everything that had happened.Remember ,you suffer from the inside;you die inside and without anybody noticing.
After matric ,she had to mask the pain ,she went on to date older men with money, got a job to keep herself busy,she even went as far as taking sleeping pills so she would escape from having nightmares.She went out partying all the time,drinking and smoking.
We should always be on the look-out for our kids.Rape can occur between married people,family relatives,friends but mostly with people we love and value the most. It does not only happen with strangers. Let us save our kids while its early.The signs are always there but people tend to disregard them.